Galapagos EDU

Galapagos EDU is a pioneering and transformative curriculum designed for the innovators of tomorrow, preparing them for success in interdisciplinary fields such as artificial intelligence engineering, quantum computing, DNA-based computing, bioinformatics, and robotics.

Our goal is to empower and equip the next generation of innovators. Our program fosters a challenging—sometimes demanding—immersive learning environment. Culturally rooted in the Montessori framework and Adlerian concepts of social interest, and self-directed learning, our pedagogy draws upon the STEM-centered curriculum of elite schools in China, such as Maotanchang and Hengshui High School, incorporating project-based creativity. The language component is based on the Great Books approach, fostering the critical thinking skills essential for innovation and meaningful social collaboration. We integrate the best of collectivist and individualist classroom strategies.

Galapagos EDU is designed for **gifted and talented students**, as well as **exceptionally motivated learners**. While the curriculum and accompanying apps will be available to all learning communities, the framework is primarily constructed for small learning pods, formed through teacher-parent-student partnerships under school choice initiatives or within larger learning institutions.

We believe that teachers — not distant administrators with little or no classroom experience — are best equipped to manage their classrooms and optimize student success. Teachers will be able to facilitate student and group progress through SuperTeach, an AI-powered administrative tool. SuperTeach will also support parents, teachers, and students in forming small learning pods, offering an escape from disruptive environments where students may not be invested in learning. While we recognize that every student can learn. We also acknowledge thatnot every student wants to learn. This distinction is critical, as distractions in the classroom can detract from the success of those preparing for careers emerging from what the World Economic Forum calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Students within the Galapagos ecosystem will also have the opportunity to prepare for the age of dynamic governance through collaborative projects, such as developing a large language model [(Source)]( Activities like SIMSOC (Simulated Society) are integrated into the Core Economics Curriculum, offering hands-on experiences in societal decision-making and economic systems.

At the conclusion of their studies, students will take the Core Competencies, partially inspired by China’s Gaokao, but enhanced with testing for creativity, critical thinking, and assessments that intersect with Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Teachers in small learning pods will also receive training to assist students in gaining admission to top universities and securing financial aid for their studies.

Pillars of the Galapagos EDU Curriculum

The Galapagos EDU curriculum is built uponfive core pillars:
  1. Core Vocabulary and Language, rooted in the four pillars of the Great Books Curriculum.
  2. Core Science, integrating project-based experiments and applied learning.
  3. Core Economics and Civics, incorporating dynamic simulations such as SIMSOC.
  4. Core Mathematics, with a focus on mathematical reasoning and problem-solving.
  5. Core Creativity, augmenting the other four pillars or functioning as a standalone component for cross-curricular project-based learning.

Each subject includes an interactive textbook integrated with a class kit and a self-testing app, enabling learners to track their progress in real time.

The first small learning pods will be ready to launch in fall 2027, and the full curriculum will be available on the Apple App Store for educators, students, parents and active learners in all of their eras to access globally.

Core Vocabulary & Language (Great Books Curriculum)

  1. Classical & Modern Literature: Exposure to foundational texts from Socrates to modern AI theorists.
  2. Socratic Seminars & Debate: Enhancing analytical reasoning through discussion.
  3. Technical Writing & AI Communication: Developing clarity in written and verbal expression.

Core Science designed to prepare students for the careers being generated from the 4th industrial revolution, artificial intelligence, quantum quarenty DNA computing, bioinformatics, and robotics

  1. Core Biology: Molecular biology, genetics, and bioinformatics.
  2. Core Physics: Classical physics, quantum mechanics, and applications in quantum computing.
  3. Core Science Apps: Interactive simulations and AI-driven experiments.

Core Economics & Civics

  1. Global Economic Systems & AI Economics
  2. Civic Engagement & Public Policy (including technology ethics and governance).
  3. Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Preparing for a tech-driven workforce.

Core Mathematics

  1. Mathematical Foundations of AI & Quantum Computing
  2. Statistical & Computational Thinking
  3. Cryptography & Advanced Calculus for STEM

Core Creativity (Integrated Project-Based Learning)

  1. Interdisciplinary Innovation Projects
  2. Robotics & Hardware Prototyping
  3. Framework for individual visual, spatial or musical projects incorporating technology and expanding innovtive strengths. As an example, music theory as it relates to math with the goal of a student writing a song.

Foundational inspirations for the Galapagos EDU curriculum

Encouraging student creativity in mathematics through 3D design and 3D printing

Vector Fields and Paul KleeMathematical theory for artistic minds and art for mathematical minds

Bioinformatics education in high school: implications for promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers