
Prove your know it.

Core Bio Privacy Statement

Appologies, in the process of updating website

Core Bio does not collect any user data whatsoever. We do not collect data from any of our self-testing apps. The goal of Galapagos EDU is to create self-testing apps that enhance the educational performace of users and nothing else. We are committed to the absolute privacy of our users, especially since most are students.

Future use of Feedback data

In the near future, Galapagos EDU will be integrating artificial intelligence learning / machine learning into our self-testing apps so that users can understand how they respond to different question textures on standardized tests. No user data will be sold or shared with third parties. No user data will be used by third parties. No user data will be used for marketing purposes. Data will only be used to help individual users improve performance on standardized tests and provide feedback on individual learning styles. When that technology is integrated, users will be notified. At this point, Core Bio does not gather any data whatsoever.

The vision for Galapagos as an education ecosystem centered around self-directed learners